Okay, honestly, I love this pattern. :D Skirts and dresses just suit me best, but sometimes a skirt just doesn't fit for #reasons. A skirt on the roller coaster - you can do it, but do you want to? ;) A case for coulottes!
Unfortunately, I have to report that an error had crept in with the new measurements for pants, more precisely with the drop-down for the buttocks form. This is based on an angle that was unfortunately multiplied by a factor of 10. This resulted in a picture like this for the back pants leg:
With "Pansy" we finally come to the pants patterns. Pansy is a basic legging to wear underneath on cold days.
Accordingly, the set of measurements has been expanded to include a few new measurements. If you want to download a pansy that fits your measurements exactly, first create a new sizing chart, either just the pants measure set, or the complete measure set with all measurements.
I'll try some videos. At least I would like to introduce the most important functions of the website. And then we'll see. At the moment this is admittedly still a lot of "trying out".
Please let me know if you have any suggestions. :)
These are properly the first gatheres I have ever sewn. Weird, I could not imagine wearing something with gathered sleaves a short while ago. But I think I like it.
Before midsummer finally breaks out here, I took quick photos of my new bathrobe. Ok, new is a bit relative, because it has been in use for a few weeks, even when the seam allowances were not all covered with bias tape. : D
I sewed them on by hand little by little, and that took a couple of TV evenings. I put the pattern together with the construction kit. If you want to sew it up, you can use this configuration and change it according to your wishes.
I've been thinking a lot lately about which direction this website should take. When developing patterns, there are things that I enjoy more and things that I enjoy less. Not surprising.
Nonetheless, I run this website primarily as a hobby, so I think it is adequate to think if I can get rid of some of the less fun things.